Friday, January 19, 2007

Weird Al

Play Weird Al Yankovic’s “White & Nerdy”

Weird Al is my favorite weird guy! LOVE YOU AL! This is my theme song!!!!! Lol! Sad, I know....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

More Avatars!

OH NOOOO! It's starting again! Lol!
The Breakfast Club is an awesome movie...Greatest 80's movie!

These are so me!
These are so true 4 me too!
30 Seconds to Mars ROCK!
Korn is sooooo awesome!
Fort Miner has awesome lyrics! Powerful yet playful!
As I said before, Good Charlotte is MY BAND!
Please, there is nothing wrong with Hard Rock. If your mother (or you are a mother) from the 80's...what do you think you were listening to all your teen years?!?!?!
So hot and totally rockin' 24/7!!!
Fly Leaf. New band with ATTITUDE!
Sry, but I HAD to put this one up. It's SOOO me!

My Dog

Emma and Stich...

Can you find any difference between these two?

This is my dog Emma.

Emma is such an idiot. She is so stupid I can't place her into a category. In fact, she can't be placed into a dog category anyway. She's a very weird mix. She's a Jack-Russell-Terrier-Miniature-Pincher mix. Would that make her a Jackie-MinPin? What does it make her?!? Emma has many "hobbies" like chasing my cats, dumping the garbage, and being under foot. Anyone want a eight-pound dog? Lol! Just Kidding!

Even though Emma's a big pain, she's also very big part of our family.

Well, a very small part of our big family! Lol!