This is the front and back of the butter sculpture. It was rotating around in a giant glass refrigerator.
I went to the State Fair with my friend Emily and her family!
I've never been to the State Fair before (except when I was a baby but I don't count that!) so I was super excited! Em and I went to the rides and probably rode everyone there! Even the free falling one! And we both are afraid of heights!
Anyway, we went one way and her parents went another. Em, her parents and I saw the Butter Sculpture and the state trooper show, which was so funny! We passed a hunted house and my favorite radio station's (Hot 107.9!) booth.
I had fried dough with chocolate melted on top. Man! Sooo good!
Everything was loud and fast!
There were probably thousands of people there! I kid you not!
I also got some things!
I bought some Italian Charms for my charm bracelet and I won a poster of the Jonas Brothers when I played a balloon game!
Here are some pics of stuff...
This is a sign that was near the State Trooper show we saw.
This is a giant monster that was outside of the hunted house. It would go back and forth like it was trying to grab you. And it would occasionally roar.
This guy was also outside of the haunted house. I don't know if you can see it but he had a giant (plastic) fly on his chin. It was really gross! *shudders*
I look terrified, huh? Lol!