Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Halloween is my favorite holiday.
And yes that does mean that I like it more than Christmas.
Surprising I know. Lol!
I mean, geez, who wouldn't love a time where you can go out and get FREE candy?
No one I know doesn't!!!!!
I just love to go out and have fun with my friends, dressed up in kooky costumes, getting FREE candy!
I love to dress up in wierd costumes. This year I'm a hippie! SmileyCentral.com
Cool huh?
Lol! Everyone says I'm too old to be dressing up and going trick-r-treatin' but you know what? I don't care!
"You can never be too old to have fun." is my new motto.

1 comment:

AisforAxe said...

This is getting full of my comments!
Just to let u know that i'm now "jurianu2.blogspot.com".
well that's it! ;)