Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Animal Crulety

Stop Farm Animal Cruelty!

Farm animals all over the world are being tortured to death so that some people can have big businesses. These animals are being tortured for fast food and for groceries. Cows, for their milk, are pumped with unhealthy hormones so they can produce more milk. But the hormones that they are pumped with are not only unhealthy for the animals but also for the humans that consume them. Chickens, for their eggs and meat, are caged in cages too small for one but are crammed in to them two at a time. They are de-beaked so in case one could possibly turn around, it couldn't peck it's "cell-mates" eyes out. Pigs, for their meat, are also crammed into pens but the pens are so small that the pigs are right next to their "waste". A lot of people think that they can't do anything to help these poor animals.


There are many different ways to stop the torture of farm animals.

You can start buying organic products. Or you could buy products from your local farm if they sell anything. Stop eating at fast food places such as MacDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, Wendy's, Kentucky Fried Chicken and whatever else is out there and is a fast food chain like that.

You may think, "Oh, not that many people will be doing this." But you're wrong!

There are a lot of people changing their ways and protesting! Celebrities too!

Billy Martin of Good Charlotte (far left) and other people are trying to rid the world of evil by protesting KFC. The way that they process food is horrifying!!!! Just read the posters these guys are holding!!!!
Yeah, and you're eating that!

If you would like more information on how to stop farm animal cruelty, you can go to this website:


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